Why we train all year round
Northstar martial arts is not a seasonal sport and we do not follow the school terms like so many other activities . It is a constant activity that goes all year. The only breaks are public holidays. Though we understand that many people go away over school holidays, we want to make sure our training facility and trainers team remains the same for when you get back to class. By continuing all year round we are able to retain our great team of trainers long term. If we closed for the school holidays, the trainers would need to find another job in lieu of their job at Northstar and potentially we could lose them as trainers. We have an awesome ratio of trainers to students but we did not just fluke this.
Committed Trainers.
To get local men or women that have experience teaching children and to have them for just two to three hours per day takes a long time to find. Then I have to train them up in the Northstar way, so they know what they are doing. Getting this level of commitment long term from trainers is the key to running great kids classes.
Unlimited Classes.
The great thing about training during the school holidays is that you can train in unlimited classes in your own age group at no extra cost. So if you have missed classes during the term you can quickly catch up and more. If you are worried that you are paying for classes over the school holidays that you just are not attending, I would just like to reassure you that your fees are pro rated to take the holidays into account.
Building Character.
Lastly and most importantly the continuity and regularity of the children’s attendance through out the year builds character and commitment and gives the children a great structured activity to participate in. Once the children get into the habit of training regularly this can then be referred to when children start to wain in other activities that they participate in. Check out my blog on Gradings to build character.