A Black Belt is a white belt that never quit!
Thanks for choosing NORTHSTAR. We have set out a program that introduces the children to the fundamentals of martial arts movement from age 3 all the way through to a full Black Belt and beyond. Please take time to read the following and explain to your child the progression from white belt to “Black Belt Excellence.”
Little Stars (3-4yrs).
There are no gradings for Little Stars.
Bright Stars (5-8yrs)
Each class students receive one white tape for indicating good behaviour and attendance. Once they have received white tapes they are taken off and replaced with a single black tape. One black tape represents 5 classes and good behaviour.
As a white belt once you have received 2 black tapes you can register for grading. This can be done by clicking on the Grading Register tab on the home page. You will see the next grading details on that page. For Yellow Belts it is 3 black tapes and for all other belts it is a minimum 4 black tapes.
Bright Stars belt colors: (Solid belt with a white stripe through it) White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, Brown 1, Brown 2 , Red 1, Red 2, Purple.
Super Stars (9-14 yrs). The Super Stars Syllabus is extensive, dynamic and fast paced. Students learn excellent martial arts technique and are expected to learn and understand the philosophy of martial arts. Developing Leadership skills is a large part of the junior program.
When the children turn 9 they then enter the next stage of their training. Shooting Stars have coloured belts with a black stripe and progress through the system to a Junior Black Black: “Black Belt with a white stripe”.
Super Stars Belt Colours: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, Purple, Brown, Red 1, Red 2 , Black.
As a white belt once you have received 2 black tapes you can register for grading. This can be done by clicking on the Grading Register tab on the home page. You will see the next grading details on that page. For Yellow Belts it is 3 black tapes and for all other belts it is a minimum 4 black tapes.
From Juniors and beyond.
Progression into the adults class is generally on an individual basis. Once a student feels ready, regardless of belt, we will assess them accordingly. Students generally stay in contact with the Super Stars program until 14. They enter the adult program on their current belt level and will have coloured tape attached on their belt as they progress through the adult belts, eventually , working toward the Full Black Belt by the time they are 16.
Bright Stars to Super Stars Belt Conversion Chart
Current Bright Star Grades to
White Belt Junior Yellow
Yellow Belt Junior Green
Green Belt Junior Green
Blue Belt Junior Green
Orange Belt Junior Blue
Brown 1 and 2 Junior Orange
Red 1 Junior Orange
Red 2 Junior Purple
Purple Junior Purple
Super Stars to Adults.
Super Stars White = white adult.
SS Yellow =yellow
SS Green =yellow
SS Blue = green tip
SS Orange = green tip
SS Purple = green
SS Brown 1 =green
SS Brown 2 =blue tip
SS Red 1 =blue tip
SS Red 2 =blue tip
SS Black = blue