Lighting The Path
Martial arts as a path to self-discovery
The Martial arts have always been synonymous with personal growth. Over my years of study, training and research I have come to consider; “what are the important aspects of martial arts that remain timeless and how do we relate these ancient traditions into a modern life.”
The following is a collection of distilled truths that I have used to guide me through my own personal experience. This text is not a story rather a collection of ideas and quotes that may trigger you to dig a little deeper into your own purpose and “light the path” to your own experience; your greatest teacher.
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“Lighting the Path is a simple yet profound contemplation of the martial arts journey. Sensei Andy Dickinson provides us with an insight into his years of experience as a martial artist – student, black belt, teacher. Lighting the Path is easy to read yet the truths within sit with you for weeks afterwards” ~ Ben Paul Owens – Business & IT Management Consultant.
Andrew Dickinson has (finally!) compiled his years of martial arts teaching into one book. Those familiar with his practice of martial arts would be tempted to claim this is almost overdue. Having shared the path of thousands of children and adults on their martial arts journey and, for many, the journey to Black Belt and beyond, Andy has been part of many a struggle to overcome some of our darkest barriers to success and accomplishment. This e-book captures all the important lessons he has shared over the years by allowing others to see martial arts beyond the physical practice and as a way of life. It offers valuable insight into where the intrinsic difference lies between a point-scoring sport and a way to change one’s and others’ existence for the better. Rob Dosoruth. Owner Arrow Martial Arts
Through his words and imagery in Lighting the Path, Andy Dickinson expresses simple yet profound concepts for anyone who is seeking more than just a combative martial arts perspective. Lighting the Path speaks the compassion and humanity of martial arts, the community and friendship that comes with it, and ultimately touches on the search for awareness and truth that lies at the core of every martial artist’s journey. It is martial arts writing which reflects our time. Ed White. Australian Masters Sprint Champion
For me, your e-book “Lighting the Path” summarises the essence of Northstar Martial Arts. From the time a prospective student makes contact with Northstar, to the time they receive their white belt, through to black belt and beyond, the Northstar system of martial arts ensures that each student has a teacher, walking the path with them, encouraging them to be all that they want to be. We are all students. We are all learning. I learn something every time I enter the Dojo. Sometimes I learn from another trainer, sometimes I improve, sometimes I recall a technique taught to me years ago, sometimes I learn from a white belt. I learned new things, simply by reading “Lighting the Path”. Thank you for sharing. Vaughan Webster
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My Northstar Martial Arts journey has helped ground my dreamer nature. I’ve become conscious of a lifetime of bad breathing habits. The deepest lesson of Martial Arts for me has become a foundation of keeping on coming back to stillness. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. It has become the focal point of my life. And it is magic how it lights my path. Andy Sensei’s e-book has become a regular reference, a powerful aid in my ongoing development of returning to the magic of stillness. Realising more and more stillness effects everything I do, inside and outside the Dojo, and my appreciating every step of my journey through life. Andrew Blanch
Too often, the focus in martial arts seems to be “what to do” and “how to do it”. ‘Lighting the Path’ delves more into the “why”, from the time you first walk into the dojo until mastery is attained. Andy Dickinson, through his classes and this e-book, gets you concentrating on why you are doing what you are doing. Furthermore, the more I read this e-book, the more I found myself thinking about how I could apply these lessons to all aspects of my life, including family and business. This is a very good read for the modern day martial artist – Darren Higgs